What To Consider When Choosing A Patio Heater

With those of us living in the UK braced for restrictions on our lifestyles until Easter, you might be looking at how you can make the most of every area of your home over the colder months. If you have a garden, that might mean you’re keen to get a bit more use from it.

Investing in patio heaters is a great option, but what do you need to think about when selecting a product?

As an article for Inverse recently noted, there are several factors to consider. Among them is how sheltered your garden is, because there are some types of heaters that perform better in more exposed conditions.

The publication noted that propane gas heaters generally give off more heat than their electric counterparts, but they are less effective in windy conditions because they heat the air around them, whereas electric heaters direct heat at those standing near them regardless of wind.

If you are opting for a propane heater, it’s also important to make sure it’s stable. Choose a model that has a weighted base for extra stability and security.

Don’t forget that there are also heaters that sit low to the ground and circulate warm air that then rises. These models are more discreet and attach to a separate gas bottle for an outdoor heater, rather than having the gas bottle enclosed within the base of the heater like the tall standing options.

If you’re looking for a smaller option to heat a specific area, you could also consider a tabletop heater that will emit less heat, but that is likely to be enough to keep you warm if you’re sitting around a table, for instance.

As we explained recently, the type of heater that’s most suitable for your home is likely to depend on the space you want to heat. Check out our tips on how to stay warm outdoors this winter.