Tips For Choosing The Best Patio Heater

Now we are finally allowed to meet up outdoors with friends and family, you might be planning some garden get-togethers. The weather is still unpredictable and even midsummer evenings can quickly grow chilly, so it is a good idea to invest in some outdoor patio heating. Here are some tips to choose the best heater for you.

Outdoor heaters produce radiant heat which warm the objects surrounding it, rather than the air. They are either gas or electric fired and are available in a range of sizes and power outputs. Electric heaters are advised for use in enclosed shelters. For larger open spaces, gas heaters are considered superior because they are more effective at heating wider areas.

Gas heaters also have the advantage of being highly portable as they don’t require an electrical cord, so you can move them around to areas away from the house, as the position of the sun changes. You could even take them for a park meet up, or on a camping trip. They will also last for years, because you simply replace the gas tank when it runs out.

A gas patio heater will usually provide better value for money over time, and they also tend to keep larger spaces warmer for longer periods. To create an atmospheric glow as twilight falls, go for a flickering flame pyramid style, which will look stylish in your garden and make an attractive warm space for your guests to gather.

Traditional lamp style heaters are easy to use and assemble, and will keep a wide area warm for hours. Go for a version with a canopy top to withstand those sudden British sky bursts! For larger and heavier styles, pick a model with wheels attached to the bottom so you can move it around easily.

If you are looking for a gas bottle for an outdoor heater, please get in touch today!