How To Cook The Perfect Steak On Your BBQ

Summer is here, and with the warmer weather – and the easing of the lockdown restrictions – and Brits will be wanting to head outdoors, and BBQ grills will be getting lit in gardens all around the country.

While burgers and sausages are the usual fare for BBQs, you may want to get a little more creative to impress your friends and guests, maybe by trying some new and exciting BBQ recipes.

However, if you really want to impress, then knowing how to perfectly cook a steak on the BBQ is the way to go, so we have a look at a few tips to get you going.

Many people, when buying steak for the BBQ, will go for rump, sirloin, and ribeye, as they are the types people are more familiar with, but instead, look out for hanger steak, a cut of beef that comes from the upper belly of the cow, and it is tender and full of flavour.

The cut has two muscles and a piece of sinew that runs all the way down, so you should separate the muscle from the sinew.

Before you start placing the steaks on the grill, it will need seasoning, but all it needs is some good quality salt to add flavour, and maybe a little freshly ground pepper, but be wary of it charring on the grill.

Having a glass BBQ means you will be able to better control the heat on your grill and have different zones, so you can have one zone that is hot and for cooking, and another cooler zone for letting meat rest, ensuring that it is cooked all the way through, not just charred on the outside and almost raw in the middle.

Give the steaks a blast of heat in the hot zone to sear the meat, then move it to the resting zone and leave it there, where it will continue cooking gently and slowly, leaving you with a perfectly cooked, tender steak.

Serve with a simple salad and Mac and cheese, and enjoy!


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